Database table basics... |
Database Schema
Introduction IntroductionThe individual database tables are listed below, with a brief description of each field. All of the database table and fields are in the UTF-8 character set. Both the Postgresql and MySQL clients are capable of converting the input and output character sets 'on the fly'. Individual Database TablesTasksid Auto incremented task id number (Integer) parent The parent task id number for the current entry. All tasks have a parent task id, which can be either a parent task or a project. Projects have no parent id, and default to 0. (Integer) name The name of the project / task. (Text) text Description field as entered by the user. (Text) created Date & time that task was created. edited Date & time that task last edited. Defaults to 0. owner User id of the owner. See the users table. (Integer) creator User id of the creator. See the users table. (Integer) projectid Task id of the overall project. For projects this is the same as the task id; for tasks this is always the project's task id. (Integer) deadline Date & time of deadline. Time is always 2.00 am of the deadline day, to avoid problems when daylight savings changes occur. priority Priority of task from 0 to 4. Highest priority is 4. (Integer) status Status of the task. (String) Accepted strings are: 'created' (new), 'notactive' (planned), 'active', 'cantcomplete' (On Hold), 'done', 'nolimit'. taskgroupid Usergroupid Taskgroup and/or Usergroup id that task belongs to, if any. Defaults to 0. See the usergroups and taskgroups tables. (Integer) lastforumpost Lastfileupload Date & time of last forum post and/or last file upload for this task, if any. Defaults to 0. globalaccess All users allowed to view? This is either 't' or 'f' to match Postgresql booleans. groupaccess Usergroup is allowed to edit? This is either 't' or 'f' to match Postgresql booleans. completed Indicates whether project is completed because all tasks are completed. Not used on task records. (0 or 1) completion_time Date & time of completion. Only used on project records. archive Indicates whether project is archived. Not used on task records. (0 or 1) sequence Integer that increments with each edit. Needed for iCalendar to show that task has been changed. (Integer) Usersid Auto incremented user id number (Integer) name fullname password email Login, name, password and email respectively. The password is an md5 hash. (Text) admin User is an administrator? This is either 't' or 'f' to match Postgresql booleans. private User is a private user? (0 or 1) guest User is a guest? (0 or 1) deleted User has been deleted temporarily? This is either 't' or 'f' to match Postgresql booleans. locale The locale of the user. Only used in the UTF-8 versions. Defaults to 'en'. Usergroupsid Auto incremented usergroup id number. (Integer) name description Usergroup name and description. (Text) private Usergroup is a private? (0 or 1) Taskgroupsid Auto incremented taskgroup id number (Integer) name description Taskgroup name and description respectively. (Text) Forumid Auto incremented forum id number (Integer) parent Forum id of parent post, if any. taskid Task id of related task. See the tasks table. (Integer) posted edited Date & time of posting and editing. text The message. (Text) userid The user id of the user that posted the message. See the users table. (Integer) usergroupid The usergroup id of the usergroup that posted the message. If a usergroup id is set the post will appear in the privated usergroup forums. See the usergroups table. (Integer) sequence Integer that increments with each edit. Needed for iCalendar to show that post has been changed. (Integer) Loginsid Auto incremented login id number (Integer) user_id The users id. See the users table. (Integer) session_key Random generated session key valid for each session. ip Browsers IP address as detected by PHP. lastaccess Time of last action. token Random generated session key generated for one action only. Note: The user's previous login records are all deleted each time they login. Seentaskid The task id. See the tasks table. (Integer) userid The users id. See the users table. (Integer) time Date & time that the userid has seen the taskid. Contactsid Auto incremented contact id number (Integer) firstname lastname company tel_home gsm fax tel_business address postal city email Contact details (Text) notes Notes (Text) added_by The user id of the user that posted the contact. See the users table. (Integer) date Date & time contact was added. taskid The task id related to the contact, if any. See the tasks table. Defaults to 0. (Integer) Contacts TasksNote: This table is present in the schema, but is not used. Filesid Auto incremented file id number (Integer) fileid Same value as id (above). filename Name of uploaded file (Text) size Size of file in bytes (Integer) mime The mimetype of the file as reported by the browser. (Text) description User entered description (Text) uploaded Date & time the file was uploaded. uploader The user id of the user that uploaded the file. See the users table. (Integer) taskid The task id related to the file. See the tasks table. (Integer) Login Attemptname Name used as login. (Text) ip Browsers IP address as detected by PHP. last_attempt Date & time of last login attempt with this name. After four unsuccessful login attempts on a username, the code locks out further logins on this username for 10 minutes. Note: This record is cleared by the program code either, after a successful login, or at any other succesful login after 20 minutes. Site Namemanager_name abbr_manager_name Manager name and abbreviated site name respectively, as entered in the set up program. |