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Doing a manual install of WebCollab...

Installing WebCollab with MySQL


You need to have access to webserver running Apache, MySQL and PHP. Operating system can be either Linux, Windows or a similar variant running the prerequiste software.

You also need to have the ability to create a MySQL database and tables on this machine or another networked machine

WebCollab can also be installed on a webserver running the PostgreSQL database. The procedure is similar to installing to MySQL. See the install web file in the /docs directory of the package for details


  1. Download the most recent copy of WebCollab (see the download link).
  2. Unpack the tarball/zip in your web root directory. For the tarball use:
    tar -zxvf webcollab-*.**.tar.gz
    [Note: replace the *.** with the current version that you've got (e.g. webcollab-1.30.tar.gz).]
  3. Database Setup and Customisation:

    Note: If you are using Linux, you can automate database creation and populating with tables. See below.

    • Make sure you have a valid user account and password for MySQL. (We'll call them 'user_name' and 'your_password' in this example).
    • Choose a new MySQL database name with a convenient name of your choice. (We'll call the database 'webcollab' in this example).
    • Enter the MySQL database command mode. Make sure that your user_name has enough rights to make new databases. Enter your password when prompted.
      # mysql -u user_name -p
      Enter password:
      Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MySQL connection id is 114 to server version: 3.23.54
      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    • Create the database 'webcollab', and then quit the command mode. Don't forget the semi-colon at the end of the first line!
      mysql> CREATE DATABASE webcollab;
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
      mysql> \q
  4. Populate Database:
    • Use the provided "[webcollab]/db/mysql.sql" script to populate the webcollab database.
    • For a *nix system navigate to your webserver root directory. Enter your password again when prompted.
      #mysql -u user_name -p webcollab < ./[webcollab]/db/schema_mysql.sql
    • If you are installing to a Windows system, then from the command prompt, work your way into the "webcollab/db" folder. Then, run the following command:
      > mysql -uuser_name -pyour_password webcollab < schema_mysql.sql
  5. Configuration File Customization:
    • Open the file [webcollab]/config.php with your favourite text editor.
    • Fill in BASE_URL parameter with the address of your site:
      define('BASE_URL', "http//yourdomain.com/webcollab-*.**/" );
      define('DATABASE_NAME', "webcollab" );
      define('DATABASE_USER', "user_name" );
      define('DATABASE_PASSWORD', "your_password" );
    • If you are using a database on a remote machine, then change the default value of DATABASE_HOST too.
    • Save and close the file.
  6. Getting Online:
    • Point your browser to http://yourdomain.com/webcollab-*.**/index.php. If all is well, you should see a login page.
      Username: admin
      Password: admin123
  7. Change Admin Password and Email Address
    • Click on the 'Edit user details' button and change the admin password (and email address) as soon as possible.
  8. Admin Config Setup
    • From the main screen, click on the 'Admin config' link in the menu boxes, lefthand side of page. Depending on your screen resolution, you may have to scroll down to see it.
    • Enter the requiste email addresses for your site into the boxes. Click on the descriptions for more help.
    • The default checkbox settings in the lower part of the form can be left for now.
    • Press the update button.


  1. Proceed through steps 1 and 2 as above.
  2. Create and Populate the Database
    • Make sure you have a valid user account and password for MySQL. (We'll call them 'user_name' and 'your_password' in this example).
    • Choose a new MySQL database name with a convenient name of your choice. (We'll call the database 'webcollab' in this example).
    • Navigate to your webserver root directory.
    • Run the command db_create_mysql.sh with the required options
      # ./[webcollab]/db/db_create_mysql.sh user_name webcollab your_password
    • All done!
    • Carry on from step 5 above.

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Last modified May 2006